Empty Bags

I’m sure many of us have loaded and unloaded lots of bags these last several weeks. Tis the season for bags galore.

Bags of gifts. Bags of groceries. Bags of decorations. Bags of outfits.

Then there are those bags that aren’t as tangible.

Bags of memories. Bags of emotions. Bags of circumstances that may not seem just like the Christmas card.

There is always something in the bag. Are the bags weighing us down? Are they full of the right stuff?

I was thinking we have a choice of what goes in our bag. What we decide to put in our bags, carry around with us and what we take out.

In this choosing life and believing  better journey, sometimes what’s in the bag can make all the difference. If you have struggled with food issues, you know what a hard time of year it is from Thanksgiving to New Years. Choices around every corner. Places of uncertainty, treats, off schedules and stuffing temptations here and there. Places of oh who cares, to how can I manage this without destructive thoughts or choices flooding the holiday festivities.  It is a battle. I know I can’t get through it in victory or living full on my own. I must invite the Lord into the daily struggle. And even when I don’t choose perfectly, allowing Him to take the lead in my next forward steps and choosing. At my monthly weigh in the other week…they posed a question to our group… “Is this food worthy of you?” Is this choice, thought, avenue, worthy and beneficial? Surveying the choices and deciding literally what goes in the bag.

Thinking about what is worth the fight and what we decide to carry around in our bag. Ready for battle or not. Who is determining the choices. Some things are worth fighting for and some are not. There will always be places where the capital tries to suppress the people. Captivity for those who are truly free. They just don’t know how to live it, fight for it and walk it out. To stand up and join the trenches, for the cause. The fight for freedom. The fight for hope and equality. The fight for believing truth over lies. To rehearse what is true, beneficial and right. And even when behind enemy lines, and President Snow is weaving his web of destruction and the storms clouds roll in- to move forward in truth. To pursue peace and justice  at all costs. And when Katniss stands up and agrees…I am. I will. There is a determination to not back down.  To go all the way through despite the struggle.

Whatever struggle we maybe facing, whatever battle maybe ahead; I hope you know you don’t have to face it alone. That you can determine what goes in and comes out of your bag. Making those choices that lead to health, life and fullness. Emptying our bags of all the stuff that weighs us down.

Are we asking the right questions. Is this worthy of the fight?  In the every day choices and the bags of this and that. The bags that can make all the difference in what we’re lugging around. And step by step may we learn more about those places, perspectives, and choices that are worthy.

I hope we are willing to empty our bags so our hearts can be merry and light this holiday season. To fill up our bags with what matters most. Love came down to show us a better way, to take out what doesn’t belong, and  fill them up with what does.  As we celebrate our King Jesus and His coming down to meet us right where we are; As we sing Joy to the World and Silent Night; may we sing with hearts that are full and bags that are light and filled with His Love .

How are your bags? Are they filled up? What are you choosing to put in and take out?

I can’t seem to get a song out of my head these days…

“Who is this King of Glory..by Third Day.” I thought I’d share the lyrics as we move into this eve of Christmas.

I pray these words fill your mind and heart as you celebrate all the love He has for you. With Empty Bags and Full Hearts.

Love and hugs…and Merry Christmas,



King of Glory-Third Day

Who is this King of Glory

That pursues me with his love

And haunts me with each hearing

Of His softly spoken words.

My conscience a reminder

Of forgiveness that I need.

Who is this King of Glory

Who offers it to me.

Who is this King of Angels,

Oh blessed Prince of Peace

Revealing things of Heaven

And all its mysteries

My spirit’s ever longing

For His grace in which to stand

Who is this King of Glory

Son of God and son of man


His Name is Jesus

Precious Jesus

The Lord Almighty

The King of my Heart

The King of Glory


Who is this King of Glory

With strength and majesty

And wisdom beyond measure

The gracious King of kings

The Lord of Earth and Heaven

The Creator of all things.

He is the King of Glory.

He’s everything to me.


The Lord of Earth and Heaven

The Creator of all things

Who is this King of Glory

He’s everything to me.













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