Be Patient


“And I will wait for you…” -Mumford and Sons

Sitting around a table with kindergarteners, patience must be modeled, explained and thoroughly reiterated. Constant reminders; get in your seat, wait your turn, keep your hands to yourself, shhh so and so is talking now. The jitters. The sillies. The up and downs. The busting out of the seams to say their piece. The reinforcements needed to stay on task. My favorite is when they raise their hand before I even ask the question. Before we even sit down I must lay the foundation and expectations over and over again…”In speech, we practice good talking and good listening.” I pair it with a hand gesture and some movement, maybe even a song to really drive home the concept.

To have good listening played out; it occurred to me patience must be in the mix. To be quiet. To be still. To be present. To wait our turn.

“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in all the earth.” -Psalm 46:10

A great mentor once told me that impatience has to do with pride. Thinking our needs are the most important and the world revolves around us. She also told me that God doesn’t play hide and seek with our lives. He is not the author of confusion.

“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.” 1 Corinthians 14:33

So as we sit. Waiting on the Lord to lead us. To show us. To take us to that next step in Him; how do we wait and listen?

There are a few truths I’d like to share from my work arena but I think could also apply spiritually. Maybe they could be of benefit to you in your waiting. Whether your waiting for the answer, the result, the healing, the miracle, the reconciliation, the strength, the next step; whatever it might be; maybe positioning ourselves better as we wait, to listen more intentionally could be helpful.

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Here’s is a little visual from my speech room. I didn’t create it. It was there when I got there. I like the reminder of what it means to practice good listening. In the waiting; being ready is key.

Listening with our Eyes. Ears. Hands. Feet. Mouth. Mind. Heart.

Being Open. Not coming with our agenda. Looking up. Being still. Meditating on it. Living it out.

Another work related acronym that we talk about with cognitive patients and helping with memory is: RAM

Rest Your Brain, Active Listening and Mindfulness

“There are times when it takes strength simply to sit still, but there are also times when we are to move forward with a confident step.”-Streams in the Desert Devotional January 26th.

So in the waiting I can be engaged and ready. Open and listening. Positioned and focused. Resting and willing.

I was thinking about Noah and how he had to wait for specific instructions on how to build the arc. He had to be patient in order to listen and step. He had to be ready and willing. He had to wait for the instructions and be patient in the building process. I was relieved to read that Noah didn’t have some big elaborate plan nor did he complicate matters for God to speak and guide.

“Noah walked with God.” Genesis 6:9

“And Noah did everything just as God commanded him.” Genesis 6:22

When we are at the end of ourselves, maybe we are just where God wants us. Then we can truly say with eyes up, ears open, hands still, mouths quiet, minds fixed and hearts ready.

Here’s a song about praising Him in the waiting. I hope as you wait, you are open to His leading and quieted by His love. Fixed on His truth. And Ready to receive His grace and goodness in whatever circumstances you find yourself waiting in.

Love and Hugs,



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