The Beloved-Greta’s Story

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“You are unrepeatable. There is a magic about you that is all your own.” -David Dellinger

I am so grateful that my friend Greta was willing to share a piece of her choosing life and believing better journey. Every time we’ve shared over coffee or lunch talking about the journey and choosing, I’ve always walked away so encouraged and inspired by her. I’m sure as you read a piece of her story, you will be uplifted as well. I admire so much about her. Her strength, courage and confidence; but more than anything else, I admire that her motivation to take care of herself, to make healthy choices, to be the best version of herself; was rooted in God’s love for her. It wasn’t about others opinions, an event, or trying to attain some worldly standard. Changing habits, perspectives, attitudes, belief systems required mighty faith. I was reminded this week in my Made To Crave devotional…”The courageous choice is always the self respecting choice.” To respect ourselves. To take care of ourselves. To make the loving choices that lead to living full one day at a time. Rooted deep and steeped in love.

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“Just break your plans tonight…lay your hands in mine.” -The Fray

When I first read what Greta emailed not only did it bring a tear to my eye, but I was thrown aback by the word Beloved. I hadn’t heard that word in awhile. To step back and chew and stew a little more, I did indeed. Besides sounding more formal like something out of a period film, I knew that it meant something so powerful that I had to be still with it. The Beloved. My Beloved. To experience on a daily basis what it means to be…Designed Specifically…Adored Uniquely…Known Completely…Protected Deliberately…Loved Extravagantly…His Beloved.

All your uniqueness, and you-ness was His idea. To live in that love. To love ourselves in that space, has to change the way we view and treat ourselves and interact with our world. Grateful for His grace that keeps us moving forward in truth; even when we take the long way around.


“Your love keeps lifting me higher.” -Otis Redding

The Beloved-Greta’s Journey…

Have you ever had one of those moments in your life when you KNOW beyond a doubt that you have to do something?  If you don’t, you’ll have said no to something awesome. The day I decided to join WW, I just knew that I was obeying God. The journey to that leap of faith was long, winding, and full of growth. The epiphany on that glorious day was I am WORTHY of being God’s beloved daughter.

We, all of us, are God’s beloved.  He loves us where we are, he loves us when we can’t love ourselves, and he loves us when we aren’t lovable.  I had to become healthy; physically, spiritually, and emotionally. God has been working on my spiritual and emotional health for a long time.  I resisted becoming physically healthy, because my identity was entwined with my weight.  I was the fat chick.  That was who God made me to be. What rubbage?!?  What a lie?!?  I cringe writing it. I actually BELIEVED that I was created unworthy; Lord forgive me for believing such atrocious lies.  Well God’s grace is extraordinary!  So on this path I jumped and I have not regretted it! Freedom from the weight…the actual weight and the weight of lies, is magnificent. Love, obedience, grace, and worth keep me going. To date, I’ve lost 79 lbs.  I’m not done, yet. The journey is long and winding. The journey will make the final destination all the sweeter. I can’t wait to see what life has in store!  I’ve been on a plateau since January.  The plateau is frustrating…I won’t lie…I am not very happy about it. BUT it is teaching me to relax, let loose the tight grip I had on the plan, and be joyful in this trial.  I will not regress to the old lies.  Instead I choose to hold tight to God’s truth…I am His beloved daughter and as such I am worthy of love!  And so my story continues…

 I pray that all of your readers can live in this place, this place of knowing that they are loved beyond measure, that they are God’s beloved, that they are worthy!  I invite them to this beautiful place!


Living out of God’s radiant love. Thanks for sharing a piece of your story Greta. Keep Choosing life. Believing Better. Living full. Love you. You are beautiful and so very worth it!! I have no doubt you will continue living in peace and love;  walking forward into all that He has for you and reaching your goal with grace and confidence! Arriving fully to your destination; Honored to journey along side you.

Maybe you have also struggled surrendering to love. Scary. Unpredictable. Maybe you haven’t always experienced love in its truest form or state. Maybe it’s been twisted, manipulated or misconstrued. Maybe there has been a misdirected or misplaced focus. I am realizing the only way for me to give true love away is if I’m rooted in the truth that I am loved. No holds bar, bare-boned, come as you are, without a shadow of a doubt, loved. Even though the fear can be gripping and paralyzing, His love will never lead you astray. Perfect Love casts out ALL fear (1John 4:18). Some days my prayer is as simple as; “Help me surrender to your unfailing and perfect love today. To live out of that love today. To give that love away just for today. Deliver me from every lie that keeps me stuck.”

I hope you let His love for you be your ultimate motivation and guide. To choose out of His love. To be your very best and live into all that He has for you, as His Beloved, one day at a time.

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“For I am the Lord your God…Who takes hold of your right hand and says to You…Do not fear, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:3






  1. Pam Miller says

    Jumping for joy over both of your successes! What freedom! What commitment! What faith! What peace!

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