Turn the Table

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“Be alert, stand firm in the faith; be brave and strong.” – 1 Corinthians 16:13

As I approached another race weekend, I was up to my eye balls in K-tape and doubt. I have been trying over the last couple weeks to work on my focus. My easily distracted tendencies are sometimes more apparent than others. When my achillies started to flare up; I quickly realized I wasn’t doing the things I know I should do like stretching, strengthening my weak calves etc. To do what was most beneficial escaped me. It just slipped my mind until it was too late. It’s always harder playing catch up once tendonitis sets in. Then I go into hyper stretching, icing, compression mode trying to make up for lost time. But if only I had done what was necessary at the onset, had taken that little extra time to be mindful, focused, and added some TLC, much of this ruckus could have been avoided. Though I know I can’t beat myself for yesterdays mistakes, I was grateful for some truths that helped in getting my mind right for this one.

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1.HALT- I read on the Devotional Diva blog a few weeks ago that we tend to not make the best decisions when we are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. That has helped tremendously in my choosing these last couple weeks. Hence why I haven’t been able to sit down and write as much I’d like. I know staying up until 1am with a possiblity of snacking to keep my energy up to blog may be counterproductive in this choosing life and believing better journey.

2. TURN- In the past I had heard that the word “repent” means to turn away but this past week I read that it literally means “return to grace.” That gives me a much better image than having the nuns smack my knuckles or pull my hair for slouching. Punishment for not doing what was right. Grace is so undeserving, yet complete. So inviting, unbelievable, amazing and too good to be true; but it is…that’s why it’s grace. Something I not only want to turn to, but run to. So when I am noticing my thoughts, my choices, may be bending to the not so beneficial or not so life giving, I want to not only return, but run to grace as fast as I can.

3. FOCUS- Another key mind altering tid bit leading up to this race was where is my focus? The 80-20 analogy quickly came to mind. I started to feel a little unsettled about running from the pool to the transition area in my skibbies. I don’t know why it hit me this year, for this race; I never really thought about it before. The parts of my legs that are shaking more than I’d like; those places I’m not so happy with, exposed for all the racers and spectators to see. I know that if someone in the crowd has something negative to say while they are sitting on the bleachers; that’s on them…but I also realized there is always going to be that 20 that isn’t just so; no matter what. It’s not what we would want, choose or hope for because this life, this body, our circumstances aren’t perfect. My Tri coach gave me some awesome perspective about focusing on the truth and moving forward in faith. Comparison is always the thief of joy; and if the enemy can distract you, he can defeat you. So who or what is grabbing the focused attention makes all the difference not only on race day but in living full one day at a time.


“I will not forget you. I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” -Isaiah 49:15

I was grateful I could dedicate this race to two people who I came across in the last month who have had the fight of their lives as single moms to choose life and believe better. Abusive, destructive, carpet ripped out from under them experiences yet they continued to move forward despite their circumstances. Fighters who are now living a life that they once thought was impossible. A life filled with truth and grace; moving forward in faith, seeing God as their Rescuer, Provider, Healer, and Redeemer. As they shared their stories I came unglued on the inside. I started to think about some of my other single mom friends who I’ve had the privilege of meeting and standing beside. Friends who have continued to fight through hard and imperfect circumstances for the sake of their future and their children. Getting degrees, houses, managing a household and pulling the weight of a two person job on their own. I was grateful for each one of them, their stories and the inspiration they gave me to train these last several weeks and to show up pushing through on race day. Moving forward, turn the tables, keep focus and never give up; grateful to dedicate this empowering women race to you. March onward and upward my warrior friends!!!


“You gain confidence through knowing that I am with you…that  you face nothing alone.” -Jesus Calling 6-29-2014

So in this first picture you can see what I mean about focus and easily distracted. This is where I noticed the coffee pot one distracted morning. Stay present. Be alert, aware. My goal was to finish without my achillies snapping, tire popping, or breast stroking. I also didn’t want someone to pass me on the swim. When someone taps your foot to say, I’m scooting by you now slow poke; that is a bit of a buzz kill. Lots of prayers and God’s faithfulness kept my achillies in tact. I experienced His presence throughout the whole race which makes every moment of being there completely worthwhile. Pushing beyond the fear, the limits, and crossing terrain that I could never face in my own strength. Grateful I finished 11 minutes faster than last year (Thank you coach Kelly for your expertise and my swim time even improved); even though TWO people passed me on the swim. Tapped twice. The Seabiscuit in me did everything I could, but maybe next time :-)!Where’s my focus…on the 80 or the 20? Having my nephews at the end made crossing the finish line by far the sweetest part of it all. At the bottom of the sign it said “We believe in you.” Enough to leave me as putty in their hands.

I believe in you. I am rooting for you. I am with you. No matter what.

I can’t wait to hold the sign for whatever races and adventures they embark on.

“Without God it can be a frightening trial. With God, it can be a great adventure.” -Girlfriends in God

Whatever your circumstances, whatever battles,  wherever you may be feeling distracted and doubtful; I hope you focus on the 80, keep running to grace, and identify the root before you choose. I hope you continue to renew your mind, stand firm in the faith, being brave and strong; focused, steady and holding on. And no matter what I hope you keep moving forward in faith one day at a time and seeing the impossible made possible in all your dreams and adventures.

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“You call me out from the shore into the waves…” -Bethel Music

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