The Secret Life of Walter Mitty {Recap}

For December, I’d like to recap a few shows/movies that touched Rodger and I this past year. Like most couples, we love to watch movies.

The genre we enjoy watching together the most are adventures packed with a lot of danger, hope and possibility.


Lord of the Rings.

Hunger Games.

Iron man.


This year The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was a definite stand out. To be




“Have you done something noteworthy or mentionable?” -The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


The emotional trauma of his dad dying when he was nine kept Walter stuck. His life unfolded with fantasyland escapes as he endured the every day safe choices, longing for so much more.

He worked hard.

Put his family first.

Yet wrestled with the layers of his authentic self—including the places he dreamed of and adventures he wanted to be brave enough to live. Walter wrestled between his dreams, his reality, and his brokenness.

At the end of the movie, after he traveled the world and saw what only a few people in his lifetime would ever see—it was the everyday choice of him sitting on his lunch break looking at negatives that made the final cover.


It wasn’t the mountain excursions.

The fighting lions in jungle.

The biggest fish.

The most liked status.


It was an ordinary guy, with extraordinary dreams, doing his everyday thing that would be most remembered.


The last cover shoot of Time magazine was a guy on his lunch break. And the final clip of the movie, walking away hand in hand with his girl; in the everydayness, the familiar streets, being brave enough to show up for his ordinary life with her, was in the end, most noteworthy.


“Every day you make hundreds of choices…and the quality of those choices determines the quality of your day and your life.” -Promises of Hope


The glory in the everyday moments.

In staying committed.

In walking hand in hand.

In not giving up.

This can sometimes be frustrating. We detest the mundane and mind-numbing tasks that we’d rather not do.

But knowing whose attention we have can make all the difference.  To be open to truth that it’s really for our good. One beneficial choice after the other. And sometimes when we’ve been all around searching, wrestling, grappling, we realize the place we’ve so longed for was right at home in our hearts all along.

I ran into a little girl in the bathroom this week. Like Walter, she looked like a dreamer tossing her hair about.  As we are both at the sinks washing our hands, I look over at her and she says very bright eyed and matter of fact…

“This is my first time wearing a dress to school…”

I said…”It looks so nice on you…”

She lights up and I add…

“I love your tights and purple sweater too…”

She goes on to tell me; how I can get them at Gabe’s in lots of different colors, that her mom does her hair, and her teacher is the best. Even in 1st grade. The longings are right on the surface.

To be noticed.

To be known.

To be understood.

Just like Walter. Just like us.

“Let the king be enthralled by your beauty…honor Him, for He is your Lord.” -Psalm 45:11


Who can ever really know us completely?

Who can ever confirm and give us that stamp of approval you ARE special?

Who can ever truly understand and make us feel 100% secure?

Walking on this living full journey; I’m learning that my hearts truest dream is to be rooted and established in the reality that…

He notices.

He knows.

He understands.

And there’s no safer place than with Him.

And with each step as I walk hand in hand…


When I go His way—He supplies the strength.

When I give Him my heart—He heals.

When I seek Him—I find Him.

When I knock—He answers.


“When I fall down, You pick me up. When I am dry, You fill my cup. You are my all in all.” -Natalie Grant


It’s not so much the activity of dreaming, the adventures of going or doing, the admirable achievement or noteworthiness of our day but maybe it’s…

Learning how to live in His love, to enjoy the gift of the everyday moments.

He who specializes in failing hearts, weaknesses, wanderings and giving us the greatest privilege of all; walking out our faith with Him.

Showing us the way.

Revealing truth.

Giving us a full life.

“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

Whether it’s the mundane, everyday choices, the longings to be known or noticed, or the adventures or dreams brewing in the background—I hope we continue to bring Him our hearts and settle all the issues in His love.

To live the full life that only He can give us.




And showing up.


If you find yourself wondering if your lunch break would ever make the cover of time magazine; May we never question the reality of who is with us and whose attention we’ve always had. Noticed. Known. Chosen.

“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.” -Isaiah 49:16

In the everyday moments, in the stillness, in the quiet may we hear His whisper to our heart.

You are enough.

I am enthralled.

Honor Me.

Lord, give us the grace and openness to listen and follow. And when we fall, the courage to stand again.


And even when we forget to come and ask, He never leaves us. Even when we blow it, He’s there to pick up the pieces. When we’re not paying attention, He doesn’t forget. There is no greater love. May we know that by heart and honor Him more and more with each new choice. And if you’re like me and this was a bit of an off week; may we rest in His grace unending. Grateful for our lunch, grateful for our streets and the opportunity to begin again tomorrow.


Love and hugs,


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